Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Pondering Christmas

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
- Luke 2:19, King James Bible

I love this verse from Luke. It is about Mary, who even though she was the mother of Christ, tried to remember everything that happened on Christmas long ago. I mean, I’m pretty sure she did ALL the Christmas prep,  welcomed the shepherds (they did NOT call ahead), cleaned up after the gifts from the three Wise Men, and now she’s finally trying to get some sleep after her big day but keeps going over everthing that happened in her head instead.  

I can relate.

I am pretty lousy when it comes to  pondering things so I made  a few notes about my 2013 Christmas. 

My mom and I welcomed the Christmas  by attending a beautiful Christmas Eve Service at Resurrection United Methodist Church.

I spilled wax on my only clean pair of jeans. Both legs.

On Christmas morning I jumped out of bed before my boys and my mom to get ready for the morning.

I couldn't remember for the life of me where I stashed the candy!

Soon everyone was up and multitudes of carefully wrapped gifts awaited us.

Earle and I waited for the boys to wake up and when we did, the four of us waited for 
Grandma to wake up.  She will not appear in public in her bathrobe and pajamas so then the four of us waited some more.

Soon we were up to our elbows in a sea of paper surrounded by the gifts of the season.

Grandma got seven boxes of Chocolate. SEVEN. She was thrilled. She also got books and a Barnes and Noble giftcard.  She demanded to know why Barnes and Noble didn't open on Christmas.

I was especially pleased to see how much my sons enjoyed their gifts.

Nat really liked his  Star Wars Lego Jabba’s Sail Barge with 850 pieces for ages 9-14.
Zack and I fought over which came first, the Princess Bride book or movie.

I certainly loved mine!

Including the books I bought for myself and wrapped for myself.

And so did Earle!

But the additional Christmas expenses, not so much.

He cooked our traditional Christmas breakfast, blackberry pancakes, and we dug in!  

Note to self. Buy canned blackberries next year. The large fresh ones that looked so tasty in HT rose up out of the batter on the griddle like marbles in a plate of soup. 

After breakfast it was so nice to just relax.

While the guys played video games and Mom dove into the newest Anne Perry, I took an hour and a half morning nap with a full belly. It was a good thing I had to wear sweat pants.

We gathered around the table for a quick lunch before heading to the movies.

Cookies for lunch.
I chose 47 Ronin because it looked so horribly bad. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed it and when the lights came up I saw Earle had a few tears in his eyes. We were looking at each other and silently reflecting on the somber ending when I heard Nat say  “That may be the worse movie I've ever seen.”

After the movie I learned my sister had been discharged from the hospital.

Good news indeed.

Then I prepared a Southern Living Pecan Encrusted Salmon recipe for Christmas dinner.

We scraped off the pecan topping – ick. The yeast rolls were still frozen in the middle but hey, the salad was good!

And then more relaxing after dinner. Mom and I tuned into some fine Christmas programming.

I Love Lucy Christmas Special.  Fred and Ethel looked so much younger than I remembered!

In the evening Zack headed to Winston Salem to spend some time with his girlfriend.

His  safe arrival text reading “Yes, I am alive” was one of my best Christmas gifts.  
And we settled in for an early night and sweet dreams.

We always settle in for an early night. I couldn’t sleep. It’s 2:05 AM. But I’m happy to have time to ponder this perfectly imperfect Christmas in my heart. And more importantly the birth of the perfect Christ born into this imperfect world.

May he bless you, mankind and my cooking in 2014!